Better, Sustainable, Halal Certifiable Plant Extraction Technology
Unlike column chromatography (the current industrial scale extraction technology) , KosmodeHealth’s technology requires a lower land footprint, is less energy intensive, has higher solvent recovery rate and can operate on a continuous, cyclical process. In addition, as food grade solvents are used, extracts are halal certifiable. Efficiency in producing extracts of higher purity at lower cost has been demonstrated at one tonne extraction scale. with authenticity and purity certified.
Extraction expertise has also been applied in the reclamation of plant protein & fibre from food processing by-products. Reclamation efficiency has been demonstrated at 50 kg scale extraction.
*Did you know that KosmodeHealth’s core plant extraction technology has been applied in harnessing food processing by-products for human nutrition? Check out our starchless protein W0W™ noodless here https://www.w0wnoodle.com/ ?

Plant Protein Composite (PPC™) Bio-ink Formulation Technology
This is a method of blending plant protein with other polymers to create the world’s only PPC™ bio-ink for 3D scaffold printing. Plant Protein, being a natural protein, is conducive for cell growth but does not have the high cost, lack of reproducibility and lack of printability of animal protein base biomaterial.
Controllable and Precise 3D Scaffold Printing Methodology
The scaffold printing methodology prints bioscaffolds of sub-micron scale precisely and controllably, in diverse structure, shape, gradient and patterns. Scaffold printed with PPC™ bio-ink by this printing technology yields a scaffold that has high cytoaffinity and tunable biodegradability/mechanical strength. More importantly, by changing the bio-ink composition and printing parameters, KosmodeHealth is able to customize the printing of scaffolds to specific properties needed for optimal growth of different types of cells.