Our Services

Agricultural & Food Processing

Agricultural & food processing by-product valorization services. Examples of by-products valorized include distilled dried grains, spent barley grains, spent coffee, spent mung beans, palm kernel etc.

Contract Manufacturing

Small batch contract manufacturing of quality assured or novel plant extracts. Examples of phytochemicals extracted includes polyphenols from tart cherry, mulberry fruits, honey suckleberry, green tea, canola meal, mangosteen peel, honey sucklberry etc.

Functional Food & Beverage Formulation

KosmodeHealth complements our plant extraction technology with functional food formulation. Functional food concepts developed from protein & fiber valorized from food processing waste-streams include Asian flavour High Protein/Fibre neta glucan drinks and puddings. KosmodeHealth has also successfully developed and launched W0W® noodle, the world's only starchless protein, fibre noodles with no blood sugar spike.

Customize 3D Scaffold Printing 

Different cells need different type of scaffold to create the optimum and cell specific growth microenvironment. KosmodeHealth is able to tune our PPC® bio-ink and scaffold printing methodology to customize scaffold to the define specifications needed for different cell types.
