
Addressing Scaffold based 3D Cell Culture Challenges

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3D bioprinting are both dominant and growing platforms to facilitate the growth of cells. Animal protein, being a natural protein conducive for cell growth, is currently the preferred biomaterial for scaffold and bio-ink for 3D bioprinting. It is however extremely expensive and lacks reproducibility.

Though standard off-the-shelf scaffolds are marketed, most of these scaffolds consist of synthetic material which are less conducive for cell growth. As different cells require different micro-environment to be recreated for optimal growth, the range of available scaffolds are too limited to meet the varied growth needs of millions of cells.

KosmodeHealth addresses the challenges with formulation of bioink with plant protein isolated from food processing wastes; and customize printing of 3D scaffolds into different shape, size, gradient to create the optimal growth environment for different cell types.

Services Offered

Custom Bio-ink, Scaffold Design & Fabrication

Tailoring bio-inks & scaffolds to meet specific research or clinical needs.

Consulting Services

Providing expertise and guidance on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine projects.

Product Portfolio

Sale of customized micron-size synthetic scaffolds and PPC® Scaffolds.

Please contact us to enquire about more information on portfolio of products available.

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